Friday, July 11, 2014

Lets focus on what's IMPORTANT!

Okay...So we all know that Broadway Goddess Idina Menzel recently got a divorce with Taye Diggs, which is something I am still trying to get over. However, I've noticed something in the media about these two that is constantly bothering me. All I see are the headlines "Taye Diggs officially over Idnia" "Taye spotted with new girlfriend" "Taye has moved on"..and so on...but one thing I would like to know is WHO CARES? THIS IS OBVIOUSLY NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO LOOK AT HERE. How about we look at the fact that Ms. Idnia is still going strong and plowing over these bitches with sold at shows at Radio City Music Hall, making her comeback on Broadway in the new musical "If/Then", is the voice for the popular Disney movie, "Frozen", performed at the Oscars, IS STILL one of the most influential and still one of Broadway's BIGGEST stars and I mean c'mon the list can go on and on....but seriously guys let's look at the fact that although they have ended a marriage of 10 years, Idina Menzel is still focusing on whats important: of course her son but also her career. And honestly I value that more than any headline about how quickly Taye Diggs has gotten over her. This doesn't mean that I don't like Taye Diggs as a person, hell I don't even know him, I respect his work, but what I am trying to say is that this time she didn't fall off like most stars do after a divorce instead Idina continues to climb her way to the top and bless us all with her God-given talents! So lets really look at whats important here: Not their relationship but how one can overcome an obstacle and still be as successful as they were before, and possibly even more!! Unfortunately, you nor I can control the media, which is really who I am ranting to, but as the people of society and of such a propaganda based country, let's take it upon ourselves to look at what really matters here and not what lies on the surface.

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