Thursday, July 10, 2014

Understanding People

I'm no Aristotle or Socrates but during my 17 years on this earth I've had my fair share of dealing with people and trying to understand how they work...and it's not exactly what I would call a piece a cake. I mean don't get me wrong all people aren't as difficult as they seem, I just believe you have to look past that and really understand where they are coming from...and unfortunately for my sensitive soul the people that I am closest too aren't exactly on the sensitive fact they are far from it.

Just recently my best friend and I had a misunderstanding, as I would put it. She is what I would call very feisty and doesn't hold her tongue when it comes to speaking her mind, and sometimes it causes us to clash, which is what I would say caused our "mix up". However this isn't the first time we have gotten into it. I remember during school I would tell her about my relationship problems and she would just cut me off. Like I didn't even have the chance to explain my situation to her before she'd say "Nope. I don't even want to know. Save it *inserts smart ass emjois here*", and although it did hurt my feelings then I actually look back at it and laugh now. 

On the other hand, my boyfriend, who is the EXACT opposite of me has definitely frazzled my mind with his complex yet simplistic ways. Yes, contradicting I know. Not too long ago, him and I were not exactly in the best place, and with me being such an emotional person and him...well, not being one, it really put a strain on me that he wanted to let time heal our problems instead of diving head first into them like I would have. See, he enjoys time, I don't. He bases his decisions off of facts and I base mine off of emotions. And unfortunately for us I just cant fathom why he does the things he does...

However, when I actually got the chance to step back and really look at the situations I realized that they were just simply being who they are but that I was also missing something bigger than that. I figured that my bestie may have not been the most sympathetic friend. Only because she cares about me and wants the best for me, so that meant she wasn't gonna sugar coat anything. Instead, she was gonna tell it like it is so that I would know straight up. Along with this, letting time take over my relationship not only helped me realize how my boyfriend works, but I started to notice how the little things began to restore and we could actually talk to each other without arguing or worrying about something. Don't mistake me though, dealing with time and space was and still is a difficult thing for me to do, but once I started to accept it, it helped me understand that maybe just maybe he likes space, maybe he just handles problems better when he can reassure himself with the facts and I realized that there is nothing wrong with that. That is who he is and the time I had to understand him and our differences made everything a little bit easier in our relationship.

Once you are able to understand someone for who they are it allows you to learn many things that you may not have even realized and most importantly it allows you the chance to better yourself. So when it comes to those two, who put me in my feelings almost everyday, I would not trade them for anything or anyone in the world, because of the greatest gift they allow me to have: the gift to understand.

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