Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The {ART} of Not Knowing

What do you do when you are not in "The Know"?
If you are anything like me you probably get a peace of mind from knowing what your 4th of July plans are, or when and where you are going to be spending your summer vacation, or even making up with your best friend after a fight. But what happens if your plans start to change and things are put up in the air? Well if you are anything like me, you probably catch a case of anxiety and start to feel like your whole world is crashing down around you......Well maybe it's not that bad but I do have a tendency to over react. Anyway, the gist is that you feel unsure and weary of what your future holds. You wonder whether things are going to be alright or what in the world you will be doing for the next couple of days. You feel the need to KNOW.

Recently I have to deal with situations that have caused me to have these little anxiety attacks, because I did not know the outcome. Not too long ago me and a good friend of mine were texting and I guess I said something that offended her so you could say we got into a little quarrel, I wouldn't even call it an argument because it wasn't that serious, but ever since then we have not talked. So at first I try to give it time, but this being someone I talk to on an everyday basis, I couldn't contain my thoughts or emotions anymore. "Oh my God she is probably still mad at me", "Is what I said that bad", "I wonder how long it'll be before we talk....what if we never talk again?!", the typical thoughts that raced through my overly dramatic mind. But I couldn't help but feel like this... I didn't know whether we were friends or not but from the looks of my unresponded to text I sent her a day after, I had nothing else to do but assume that I had lost a friend. As time went on my thoughts still consumed me and my stress levels were fluctuating as usual. But it never really occurred to me until now...what if I was okay with "Not Knowing" ?

What if I was okay with not knowing if she was still mad at me or not? What if I was okay with not talking to her for a couple of days? What if I could've accepted the fact that I might've lost a friend?.... I probably would've been able to enjoy my weekend a little bit more instead of worrying myself to bits over something I could not control...

...And that's just it! What IF I would've taken that risk and just have been okay with not knowing? Of course it is easier said than done coming from a person who feels the need to fix things all the time and make everyone happy even if I have no control over it. However, it isn't impossible, in fact that's where "The ART of Not Knowing"  falls into place because once you accept that you knowing certain things is just out of your control you will then allow freedom to take the space that stress once dominated in your mind. You can think more freely and be open to different possibilities and opportunities waiting for you. For instance, if I would've taken this chance to accept " Not Knowing" I could've eliminated my stress and thought more positively about my situation, considering the quote "When one door closes, another opens". Not only this I could've focused my energy on other things such as preparing myself for an upcoming voice lesson or just simply enjoy being in the company of my family. See, when you finally accept "The ART of Not Knowing" you can have that same peace of mind that you get when you are in the know.

So for those of you who are like me who submit themselves to self inflicted stress...DONT. Be okay with not knowing, be okay with using that time to enjoy other things or perhaps focus on things more worth while. I truly believe that whatever happens will happen for a reason and whether you are fighting with your best friend, in a difficult relationship, or just simply don't know what you're doing for the 4th of July... Don't stress the answer will come to you when its suppose to, until then ENJOY LIFE! After all you only live once:)

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